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  • Adventdalen is a medium-sized (513 km2) catchment in continuous permafrost zone of central Spitsbergen. It is an important study area, but the river is highly unsuitable for monitoring runoff on account of the high sediment yield and extremely unstable channel sections in the large delta. This necessitates the estimation of runoff volume through the application of a suitable model. Daily runoff was therefore simulated using daily precipitation and temperature data series (1991-2016) and the HBV model. Daily water temperature and electrical conductivity were also monitored at the point of interest to provide basic water quality parameters alongside the runoff quantity data. Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/M019829/1.

  • Adventdalen is a medium-sized (513 km2) catchment in continuous permafrost zone of central Spitsbergen. It has 11.7 % glacier cover, a large flat valley floor comprised of uplifted, glaciomarine sediments, covered in the lower part by a veneer of aeolian sediments up to 4 m thick. The geology of the catchment is dominated by sandstones, shales and carbonates. Freshwater samples were collected typically every second day throughout the principal runoff season (late May until early September) during 2015 and 2016 from a downstream site located at the head of the delta. Analysis of major ions (by ion chromatography) and minor constituents (trace metals by icpms and silica by colorimetric analysis). Funding was provided by the NERC grant NE/M019829/1.

  • The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model output over the whole of Peru at 12 km horizontal resolution and 3 hourly output (domain 1, d01), the Rio Santa River Basin (in the Cordillera Blanca) at 4 km horizontal resolution and hourly output (domain 2, d02), the Vilcanota-Urubamba region at 4 km horizontal resolution and hourly output (domain 3, d03) and the upper region of the Rio Santa River Basin at 800 m horizontal resolution and hourly output (domain 4, d04). Domains 1 to 3 cover the period from 1980 to 2018, domain 4 covers from 2009 to 2018. Full details of the WRF model setup can be found in Fyffe et al., (2021). These data were corrected as part of the PEGASUS (Producing EnerGy and preventing hAzards from SUrface water Storage in Peru) and Peru GROWS (Peruvian Glacier Retreat and its Impact on Water Security) projects. The datasets were created to assess past climate in the Peruvian Andes, as a basis to determine future climate in the region, and as an input for glaciological and hydrological models. The data were created using the British Antarctic Survey high performance computer. The creation of this data was conducted under the Peru GROWS and PEGASUS projects, which were both funded by NERC (grants NE/S013296/1 and NE/S013318/1, respectively) and CONCYTEC through the Newton-Paulet Fund. The Peruvian part of the Peru GROWS project was conducted within the framework of the call E031-2018-01-NERC "Glacier Research Circles", through its executing unit FONDECYT (Contract No. 08-2019-FONDECYT).